Thursday, August 06, 2009

Anderson WIN DOHS!

He was a familiar - or semi-familiar face to Mets fans back in 06 and 07 and a tad, if I recall, in 08, and now he's back. Good glove, average hitter (my opinion) Anderson Hernandez. See Article from I recall a nice catch he made on an opening day a few years ago, and was slated to me the man at 2B until he got hurt.

Is it me, or is it a bit ironic that the Mets have done a lot of trading with one of the worst teams in baseball - the Nationals...we got Luis Ayala, Anderson Hernandez, Ryan Church, Scott Schneieder and a few others...even sent our old bench coach, the now, terminated Manny Acta there to manage.

With the Mets on the left coast the next few days or so, my posts will be pre-game. As big of a fan as I am of this team, I don't have the time to stay up so late.

Anyway, Anderson, good to have you back....bust some windows with your name and your swing.

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