Saturday, October 16, 2010

So, Who is Your Aunt Angie??? or "Why The Next Mets GM Will Chose their Own "Boy."

Odd title.

Let me explain.

When I was a little boy, my Aunt Angie (now deceased, we won't even get into how much we miss her here) used to take me to the pool at Hudson County Park.  One day, she overheard me say to another kid, "So, which one of the ladies here is YOUR Aunt Angie?"

I always was amused by how much that delighted her and never thought much about it until a friend of mine and I were talking about the next Mets manager.  There is a lot of speculation of who it will be.  But it doesn't matter.  The next GM allegedly has the "say."

Personally I want Joe Torre.  He cut his teeth as a Mets manager in the 80s when he was in his mid 30s and was "just OK" at best in his first stint.  The folks are talking about Backman but he raises too many red flags -- to me.

No matter.  Whoever the GM is, he pulls the strings.  The guy he finally decides on will both have the same "Aunt Angie."

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