Thursday, April 05, 2012

Welcome to 2012

Happy Opening Day finally came.  We beat the snow this winter, so today is extra special.

Had a conversation with a business colleague the other day and he is a diehard Baltimore Orioles fan.  We vowed that 2012 would be like 1969 - though our optimism for both teams to get to the vaunted WS is not that high, it would be great.

Santana, coming off a wash of 2011 looked great.  I didnt see the game in person (darn work!) but got a chance to see the encore performance on SNY.  Very encouraging performance.  We need these.  Naturally the Mets are pros at winning Opening Day - something like 32 of the last 42. 

Good to beat the Braves...let's continue to fight hard.

I see Andre Torres is down ---- Hey Eric Byrnes --- how about coming back?

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Spring Training - 2012 - Prelude to a Lonnnnng Year - Let's Say Sisyphus

A few disjointed and maybe a valid thought or two...

Spring Training.  Yes, I love to hear these words and it means that until the end of October, my mind will be consumed with baseball - both real and fantasy league.

But, being a Mets fan, and if you are one, you know the trials and tribulations ARE straight ahead.  See the image of Sisyphus pushing the boulder up the hill?  (Look it up if the reference is obscure).

Sadly, with the passing of Gary Carter, the team loses a leader.  Yes, he was retired for a long time, but the Kid still influenced many.

Let's step back a moment - Carter.  Piazza.  We haven't had a dynamic catcher who has been the face and inspiration for the Mets.  We need that now.

The whole Madoff thing really skewed (OK, SCREWED) our chances of being competitive in the free agent market.

Reyes was finally cast off.  Hey, I used to be a huge fan.  But the antics he pulled with that bush league stunt of 1 at bat, cheap bunt hit, take self out of game, win batting title was pure garbage.  Good riddance.

But there was limited off season activity, so I guess we will get a few castoffs from other teams desperate to hang on with a contract for 2012.

Every win will be a gift.  We won't have the Nationals to beat up on - and mark my words - they will be GOOD.

So, dear fans, let's fasten our seat belts and remain optimistic.  The stock market crash of '29 eventually recovered.